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André Chailloux

Quantum computing researcher, Inria de Paris


I am a researcher in quantum computing computer science at Inria de Paris in the COSMIQ team since 2013. My research interest are the following

I defended my PhD entitled Quantum Coin Flipping and Bit Commitment: Optimal Bounds, Practical Constructions and Computational Security in June 2011 at LRI under the supervision of Iordanis Kerenidis. My thesis got the Gilles Kahn thesis prize award. I also defender in 2025 my Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches entitled Quantum information theory for relativistic cryptography and quantum algorithms in January 2025.

Research projects

As a coordinator



PhD Students


Moreover, Johanna Loyer, André Schrottenloher and Rémi Bricout who later continued to PhD, did a 5-month internship that I supervised or co-supervised.



Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique

Since 2016, I teach various topics in quantum computing at the MPRI. I provide below some information about the most current course.

Course: Quantum Information Theory and Cryptography 2024-2025

The course will cover quantum information, quantum cryptography and advanced quantum algorithms. I am the person in charge of this course and I teach it with Simon Apers. The course is on Tuesdays from 12:45 to 15:45 in room 1004. You can also find the course webpage here
Lectures notes
Detailed schedule
Exercice sessions with and without solutions td1 td1(Sol) td2 td2(Sol) td3 td3(Sol)
Exam of previous year Exam With Solutions

QI Master, Sorbonne Université

From 2021 to 2023, I taught two courses at the QI Master at Sorbonne Université. The content here was more furnished than the course I give at the MPRI so I give the lecture notes as well as the exercice sessions

Course: Quantum Circuits and Logic Gates 2021-2023

Course: Quantum Information Introduction 2021-2023

This is more an overall lecture in various topics in quantum computing rather than really a course on quantum information. It is a follow-up of the previous course.


André Chailloux

Inria de Paris, COSMIQ team
46 rue Barrault, 75013 Paris
Office B319
Phone: +33 (0)180494217