I am a researcher in quantum computing computer science at Inria de Paris in the COSMIQ team since 2013. My research interest are the following
- Post-quantum Cryptography. Quantum cryptanalysis for cryptography based on error-correcting codes as well as Euclidean lattices, quantum algorithms for collision problems, security proofs in the quantum random oracle model.
- Quantum Cryptography and Information Theory. Theoretical limits of quantum cryptographic primitives, entanglement and non-local games, relativistic cryptography.
I defended my PhD entitled Quantum Coin Flipping and Bit Commitment: Optimal Bounds, Practical Constructions and Computational Security in June 2011 at LRI under the supervision of Iordanis Kerenidis. My thesis got the Gilles Kahn thesis prize award. I also defender in 2025 my Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches entitled Quantum information theory for relativistic cryptography and quantum algorithms in January 2025.
Research projects
As a coordinator
- DEREC Development of Relativistic Cryptography, ANR JCJC (2017-2022)
- QMON Quantum Money, Emergence(s) Project (2019-2023)
- EPiQ ANR PEPR (2022-2027)
- PQ-TLS ANR PEPR (2022-2028)
- HQI Plan Quantique France 2030 (2022-2027)
- QUANTAGENOMICS QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund (2022-2025)
- QUASYMODO Participation in the ERC grant of Maria Naya-Plasencia (2017-2022)
PhD Students
- Johanna Loyer (2020-2023), PhD supervision on quantum algorithms for Euclidean lattices and error-correcting codes. Johanna defended her thesis entitled Quantum cryptanalysis of lattices and codes in December 2023.
- Simona Etinski (2019-2023), PhD supervision on quantum algorithms and quantum security proofs for cryptography based on error-correcting codes. Simona defended her thesis entitled Generalized syndrome decoding problem and applications to cryptography in June 2023.
- Andrea Olivo (2018-2022), co-supervision with Frédéric Grosshans (main supervisor) on position-based quantum cryptography. Andrea defended his thesis entitled On the utility of small quantum states: applications to linear optics and position verification in June 2022.
- André Schrottenloher (2017-2021), co-supervision with Maria Naya-Plasencia (main supervisor) on various topics related to quantum cryptanalysis, both in public-key and symmetric cryptography. André defended his thesis entitled Quantum Algorithms for Cryptanalysis and Quantum-safe Symmetric Cryptography in February 2021.
- Rémi Bricout (2017-2021): Rémi worked on quantcum algorithms for problems, particularly to study the computational assumptions behind code-based cryptography. I was his main supervisor. Rémi defended his thesis entitled How to use quantum algorithms to fill your backpack and decode syndromes in January 2021.
- Roman Randrianarisoa}, M1 internship (2 months) for the QUANTAGENOMICS project, 2023.
- Julien du Crest, M2 internship (6 months) on relativistic cryptography, 2021
- Sristy Agrawal, M1 internship (3 months) on entangled games, 2017
Moreover, Johanna Loyer, André Schrottenloher and Rémi Bricout who later continued to PhD, did a 5-month internship that I supervised or co-supervised.
- A. Chailloux and T. Debris-Alazard, New Solutions to Delsarte's Dual Linear Programs. IEEE IT 2025. PDF (ArXiv) Journal link
- A. Chailloux and J.-P. Tillich, The Quantum Decoding Problem. TQC 2024. PDF (Arxiv) Conference Proceedings
- A. Chailloux and S. Etinski, On the (in)security of optimized Stern-like signature schemes. DCC 2024. pdf (Arxiv) Journal link
- R. Bhaumik, A. Chailloux, P. Frixons, and M. Naya-Plasencia, Block Cipher Doubling for a Post-Quantum World. CIC 2024. pdf (eprint) Journal link
- X. Bonnetain, A. Chailloux, A. Schrottenloher and Y. Shen, Finding Many Collisions via Reusable Quantum Walks: Application to Lattice Sieving. EUROCRYPT 2023. pdf (Arxiv) Conference proceedings
- A. Chailloux and J. Loyer, Classical and Quantum 3 and 4-Sieves to Solve SVP with Low Memory. PQCRYPTO 2023. pdf (eprint) Conference Proceedings
- A. Chailloux and J. Loyer, Lattice sieving via quantum random walks. ASIACRYPT 2021. PDF (Arxiv) Conference Proceedings
- A. Chailloux, T. Debris-Alazard, and S. Etinski, Classical and quantum algorithms for generic syndrome decoding problems and applications to the lee metric. PQCRYPTO 2021. PDF (Arxiv) Conference proceedings
- R. Bhaumik, X. Bonnetain, A. Chailloux, G. Leurent, M. Naya-Plasencia, A. Schrottenloher, and Y. Seurin, QCB: efficient quantum-secure authenticated encryption. ASIACRYPT 2021. PDF (eprint) Conference proceedings
- A. Chailloux and T. Debris-Alazard, Tight and optimal reductions for signatures based on average trapdoor preimage sampleable functions and applications to code-based signatures. PKC 2020. PDF (eprint) Conference Proceedings
- R. Bricout, A. Chailloux, T. Debris-Alazard, and M. Lequesne, Ternary syndrome decoding with large weight. SAC 2019. PDF (Arxiv) Conference Proceedings
- A. Chailloux, A note on the quantum query complexity of permutation symmetric functions. ITCS 2019. PDF (Arxiv) Conference Proceedings
- A. Chailloux, M. Naya-Plasencia, and A. Schrottenloher, An efficient quantum collision search algorithm and implications on symmetric cryptography. ASIACRYPT 2017. PDF (eprint) Conference Proceedings
- A. Chailloux and A. Leverrier, Relativistic (or 2-prover 1-round) zero-knowledge protocol for NP secure against quantum adversaries. EUROCRYPT 2017. PDF (Arxiv) Conference Proceedings
- R. Bricout and A. Chailloux, Recursive cheating strategies for the relativistic FQ bit commitment protocol. MDPI Cryptogr. 2017. PDF (Arxiv) Journal link
- K. Chakraborty, A. Chailloux, and A. Leverrier, Robust relativistic bit commitment. PRA 2016. PDF (Arxiv) Journal link
- W. McCutcheon, A. Pappa, B. A. Bell, A. McMillan, A. Chailloux, T. Lawson, M. Mafu, D. Markham, E. Diamanti, I. Kerenidis, J. G. Rarity, and M. S. Tame, Experimental verification of multipartite entanglement in quantum networks. Nature Comm. 2016. PDF (Arxiv) Journal link
- A. Chailloux, G. Gutoski, and J. Sikora, Optimal bounds for semi-honest quantum oblivious transfer. CJTCS 2016. PDF (Arxiv) Journal link
- A. Chailloux, I. Kerenidis, and B. Rosgen, Quantum commitments from complexity assumptions. Comput. Complex. 2016. PDF (Arxiv) Journal link
- D. Aharonov, A. Chailloux, M. Ganz, I. Kerenidis, and L. Magnin, A simpler proof of the existence of quantum weak coin flipping with arbitrarily small bias. SICOMP 2016. PDF (Arxiv) Journal link
- K. Chakraborty, A. Chailloux, and A. Leverrier, Arbitrarily long relativistic bit commitment. PRL 2015. PDF (Arxiv) Journal link
- A. Chailloux, L. Mancinska, G. Scarpa, and S. Severini, Graph-theoretical bounds on the entangled value of non-local games. TQC 2014. PDF (Arxiv) Conference Proceedings
- A. Chailloux, I. Kerenidis, S. Kundu, and J. Sikora, Optimal bounds for parity-oblivious random access codes with applications. TQC 2014. PDF (Arxiv) Conference Proceedings
- A. Chailloux and G. Scarpa, Parallel repetition of entangled games with exponential decay via the superposed information cost. ICALP 2014. PDF (Arxiv) Conference Proceedings
- J. Sikora, A. Chailloux, and I. Kerenidis, Strong connections between quantum encodings, nonlocality, and quantum cryptography. PRA 2014. PDF (Arxiv) Journal link
- A. Pappa, P. Jouguet, T. Lawson, A. Chailloux, M. Legré, P. Trinkler, I. Kerenidis, and E. Diamanti, Experimental plug and play quantum coin flipping. Nature Comm. 2014. PDF (Arxiv) Journal link
- A. Chailloux, I. Kerenidis, and J. Sikora, Lower bounds for quantum oblivious transfer. QIC 2013. PDF (Arxiv) Journal link
- A. Chailloux and O. Sattath, The complexity of the separable hamiltonian problem. CCC 2012. PDF (Arxiv) Journal link
- A. Pappa, A. Chailloux, S. Wehner, E. Diamanti, and I. Kerenidis, Multipartite entanglement verification resistant against dishonest parties. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2012. PDF (Arxiv) Journal link
- A. Chailloux and I. Kerenidis, Optimal bounds for quantum bit commitment. FOCS 2011. PDF (Arxiv) Journal link
- A. Pappa, A. Chailloux, E. Diamanti, and I. Kerenidis, Practical quantum coin flipping. Phys. Rev. A 2011. PDF (Arxiv) Journal link
- J. Silman, A. Chailloux, N. Aharon, I. Kerenidis, S. Pironio, and S. Massar, Fully distrustful quantum bit commitment and coin flipping. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2011. PDF (Arxiv) Journal link
- A. Chailloux, I. Kerenidis, and B. Rosgen, Quantum commitments from complexity assumptions. ICALP 2011. PDF (Arxiv) Journal link
- A. Chailloux and I. Kerenidis, Optimal quantum strong coin flipping. FOCS 2009. PDF (Arxiv) Journal link
- A. Chailloux and I. Kerenidis, Increasing the power of the verifier in quantum zero knowledge. FSTTCS 2008. PDF (Arxiv) Journal link
- A. Chailloux, D. F. Ciocan, I. Kerenidis, and S. P. Vadhan, Interactive and noninteractive zero knowledge are equivalent in the help model. TCC 2008. PDF (Arxiv) Journal link
- A. Chailloux and J.-P. Tillich, Quantum advantage from soft decoders. Submitted. PDF (ArXiv)
- Y. Barsamian and A. Chailloux, Compressing integer lists with contextual arithmetic trits. Submitted. PDF (ArXiv)
- A. Chailloux and Y. Barsamian, Relativistic zero-knowledge protocol for NP over the internet unconditionally secure against quantum adversaries. Submitted. PDF (ArXiv)
Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique
Since 2016, I teach various topics in quantum computing at the MPRI. I provide below some information about the most current course.Course: Quantum Information Theory and Cryptography 2024-2025
The course will cover quantum information, quantum cryptography and advanced quantum algorithms. I am the person in charge of this course and I teach it with Simon Apers. The course is on Tuesdays from 12:45 to 15:45 in room 1004. You can also find the course webpage hereLectures notes
- Lectures 1-4 (Simon Apers) webpage link
- Lectures 5-8 (André Chailloux) pdf
Detailed schedule
- Dec 10 (SA) Quantum walks
- Dec 17 (SA) Quantum walk search
- Jan 07 (SA) Quantum adiabatic algorithm
- Jan 14 (SA) Hamiltonian simulation
- Jan 28 (AC) Mixed states, POVMs, distance measures, Helstrom measurement, Unambiguous State Discrimination
- Feb 04 (AC) Quantum key distribution
- Feb 11 (AC) Quantum cryptography beyond QKD
- Feb 18 (AC) Quantum information theory, Shannon entropy, Holevo's bound
- FINAL EXAM: March 11 from 12:45 to 15:45
Exam of previous year Exam With Solutions
QI Master, Sorbonne Université
From 2021 to 2023, I taught two courses at the QI Master at Sorbonne Université. The content here was more furnished than the course I give at the MPRI so I give the lecture notes as well as the exercice sessionsCourse: Quantum Circuits and Logic Gates 2021-2023
- Lecture notes pdf
- Exercice Sheets Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 4 Sheet 5 Sheet 6 Sheet 7 Sheet 8 Sheet 9
Course: Quantum Information Introduction 2021-2023
This is more an overall lecture in various topics in quantum computing rather than really a course on quantum information. It is a follow-up of the previous course.Contact
André Chailloux
Inria de Paris, COSMIQ team
46 rue Barrault, 75013 Paris
Office B319
Phone: +33 (0)180494217