


For matrix games we study how small nonzero probability must be used in optimal strategies. We show that for $n \times n$ win-lose-draw games (i.e. $(-1,0,1)$ matrix games) nonzero probabilities smaller than $n^-O(n)$ are never needed. We also construct an explicit $n \times n$ win-lose game such that the unique optimal strategy uses a nonzero probability as small as $n^-\Omega(n)$. This is done by constructing an explicit $(-1,1)$ nonsingular $n \times n$ matrix, for which the inverse has only nonnegative entries and where some of the entries are of value $n^\Omega(n)$.

  hal_id =       {hal-00843052},
  url =          {},
  title =        {{Patience of Matrix Games}},
  author =       {Hansen, Kristoffer Arnsfelt and Ibsen-Jensen, Rasmus
                  and Podolskii, Vladimir V. and Tsigaridas, Elias},
  abstract =     {{For matrix games we study how small nonzero
                  probability must be used in optimal strategies. We
                  show that for $n \times n$ win-lose-draw games
                  (i.e.\ $(-1,0,1)$ matrix games) nonzero
                  probabilities smaller than $n^{-O(n)}$ are never
                  needed. We also construct an explicit $n \times n$
                  win-lose game such that the unique optimal strategy
                  uses a nonzero probability as small as
                  $n^{-\Omega(n)}$. This is done by constructing an
                  explicit $(-1,1)$ nonsingular $n \times n$ matrix,
                  for which the inverse has only nonnegative entries
                  and where some of the entries are of value
  keywords =     {Matrix Games, Ill-conditioned Matrices, Nonnegative
  language =     {English},
  affiliation =  {Department of Computer Science [Aarhus] , Russian
                  Academy of Sciences [Moscou] , Laboratoire
                  d'Informatique de Paris 6 - LIP6 , POLSYS - INRIA
  publisher =    {Elsevier},
  journal =      {Discrete Applied Mathematics},
  audience =     {international },
  year =         2013,
  url =          {},

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