


We assume that a real square-free polynomial $A$ has a degree $d$, a maximum coefficient bitsize $\tau$ and a real root lying in an isolating interval and having no nonreal roots nearby (we quantify this assumption). Then we combine the Double Exponential Sieve (also called the Bisection of the Exponents) algorithm, the bisection, and Newton iteration to decrease the width of this inclusion interval by a factor $t=2^-L$. The algorithm has Boolean complexity $\sOB(d^2 \tau + d L )$.

  author =       {Victor~Y. Pan and Elias~P. Tsigaridas},
  title =        {On the Boolean complexity of real root refinement},
  booktitle =    ISSAC_2013,
  year =         2013,
  address =      {Boston, USA},
  month =        {Jun},
  publisher =    {ACM},
  pages =        "299--306",
  abstract =     "We assume that a real square-free polynomial $A$ has
                  a degree $d$, a maximum coefficient bitsize $\tau$
                  and a real root lying in an isolating interval and
                  having no nonreal roots nearby (we quantify this
                  assumption).  Then we combine the {\em Double
                  Exponential Sieve} (also called the {\em Bisection
                  of the Exponents}) algorithm, the bisection, and
                  Newton iteration to decrease the width of this
                  inclusion interval by a factor $t=2^{-L}$.  The
                  algorithm has Boolean complexity $\sOB(d^2 \tau + d
                  L )$.",
  url =          {},

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