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We present an algorithm for decomposing a symmetric tensor, of dimension $n$ and order $d$, as a sum of rank-1 symmetric tensors, extending the algorithm of Sylvester devised in 1886 for binary forms. We recall the correspondence between the decomposition of a homogeneous polynomial in $n$ variables of total degree $d$ as a sum of powers of linear forms (Waring's problem), incidence properties on secant varieties of the Veronese variety and the representation of linear forms as a linear combination of evaluations at distinct points. Then we reformulate Sylvester's approach from the dual point of view. Exploiting this duality, we propose necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of such a decomposition of a given rank, using the properties of Hankel (and quasi-Hankel) matrices, derived from multivariate polynomials and normal form computations. This leads to the resolution of systems of polynomial equations of small degree in non-generic cases. We propose a new algorithm for symmetric tensor decomposition, based on this characterization and on linear algebra computations with Hankel matrices. The impact of this contribution is two-fold. First it permits an efficient computation of the decomposition of any tensor of sub-generic rank, as opposed to widely used iterative algorithms with unproved global convergence (e.g. Alternate Least Squares or gradient descents). Second, it gives tools for understanding uniqueness conditions and for detecting the rank.

  author =       {Jerome Brachat and Pierre Comon and Bernard Mourrain
                  and Elias P. Tsigaridas},
  title =        {Symmetric Tensor Decomposition},
  journal =      {Linear Algebra and its Applications},
  year =         2010,
  volume =       433,
  number =       "11--12",
  pages =        "1851--1872",
  abstract =     "We present an algorithm for decomposing a symmetric
                  tensor, of dimension $n$ and order $d$, as a sum of
                  rank-1 symmetric tensors, extending the algorithm of
                  Sylvester devised in 1886 for binary forms.  We
                  recall the correspondence between the decomposition
                  of a homogeneous polynomial in $n$ variables of
                  total degree $d$ as a sum of powers of linear forms
                  (Waring's problem), incidence properties on secant
                  varieties of the Veronese variety and the
                  representation of linear forms as a linear
                  combination of evaluations at distinct points. Then
                  we reformulate Sylvester's approach from the dual
                  point of view.  Exploiting this duality, we propose
                  necessary and sufficient conditions for the
                  existence of such a decomposition of a given rank,
                  using the properties of Hankel (and quasi-Hankel)
                  matrices, derived from multivariate polynomials and
                  normal form computations. This leads to the
                  resolution of systems of polynomial equations of
                  small degree in non-generic cases.  We propose a new
                  algorithm for symmetric tensor decomposition, based
                  on this characterization and on linear algebra
                  computations with Hankel matrices.  The impact of
                  this contribution is two-fold. First it permits an
                  efficient computation of the decomposition of any
                  tensor of sub-generic rank, as opposed to widely
                  used iterative algorithms with unproved global
                  convergence (e.g. Alternate Least Squares or
                  gradient descents). Second, it gives tools for
                  understanding uniqueness conditions and for
                  detecting the rank.",

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