Jean Clairambault: encadrement d'étudiants et de postdocs / supervision of students and postdocs

  • PhD students

    2018-2023 Frank Ernesto Alvarez Borges, Paris Dauphine University (doctoral school SDOSE). Participation in the co-mentoring of the thesis, supervised by Stéphane Mischler, Paris Dauphine University, and Mariano Rodriguez Ricard, Universidad de La Habana (Cuba) on the subject ''Diffusion dans les modèles d'agrégation et de cancer''

    2018-2023 Zineb Kaid, Aboubekr Belkaid University, Tlemcen (Algeria). Participation with Camille Pouchol, Paris Cité University, in the co-mentoring of the thesis, supervised by Abdelkader Lakmeche, Djillali Labies University, Sidi Belabbes (Algeria) on the subject ''Modelling tumour growth and its interaction with the immune system''

    2015-2018 Ghassen Haddad, Sorbonne Université (doctoral school Sciences Mathématiques de Paris-Centre,) co-supervision with Slimane Ben Miled, ENIT, Tunis, in the framework of IRD-UPMC Programme Doctoral International: "Modélisation et optimisation du traitement du cancer''

    2015-2018 Camille Pouchol, Sorbonne Université (doctoral school Sciences Mathématiques de Paris-Centre, co-supervision with Emmanuel Trélat and Michèle Sabbah, INSERM Lab "Cancer Biology and Therapeutics", St Antoine Hospital, Paris) ''Analysis, control and optimisation of PDEs, application to the biology and therapy of cancer''; 2018-2019 postdoc at KTH (Stockholm) ; from 2019 maître de conférence, Paris-Descartes University

    2012-2015 Ján Eliaš, PhD thesis September 2015, UPMC (doctoral school Sciences Mathématiques de Paris-Centre, co-supervision with Benoît Perthame) ''Mathematical model of the role and temporal dynamics of protein p53 after drug-induced DNA damage''; from September 2015 to August 2017 Jacques-Hadamard postdoc at Paris-Sud University, from 2017 to 2021 postdoc at the University of Graz (Austria), since 2021 with Boehringer Ingelheim

    2011-2016 Youssef Bourfia, PhD thesis December 2016, UPMC (doctoral school Sciences Mathématiques de Paris-Centre, co-supervision with Hassan Hbid, LMDP, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, and Mostafa Adimy, INRIA Lyon in the framework of IRD-UPMC Programme Doctoral International: "Mathematical Modelling in Cellular Dynamics: Applications to Cancer Research"

    2009-2012 Luna Dimitrio, PhD thesis September 2012, UPMC (doctoral school Sciences Mathématiques de Paris-Centre), co supervision with Roberto Natalini, CNR, in cotutela between UPMC and Università Sapienza, Roma, "Modelling nucleocytoplasmic transport with application to the intracellular dynamics of the tumour suppressor protein p53"

    2007-2011 Annabelle Ballesta, PhD thesis 2011 Université Paris-Sud (doctoral school 'Innovation thérapeutique') "Approche combinée expérimentale et mathématique pour la personnalisation sur base moléculaire des thérapies anticancéreuses standards et chrono-modulées"; 2011-2012 INSERM postdoc (St Antoine hospital); 2013-2014 postdoc in James Gallo's lab at Mount Sinai (New York), 2014-2017 assistant professor at Warwick Systems Biology Centre (Coventry, UK); since 2018 head of ATIP-AVENIR INSERM team at Paul-Brousse Hospital, Villejuif, France

    2007-2009 Thomas Lepoutre, PhD thesis 2009 UPMC (doctoral school Sciences Mathématiques de Paris-Centre) "Analyse et modélisation de phénomènes de croissance et mouvement issus de la biologie"; from 2010 Inria CR at Dracula INRIA research team, Lyon

  • Postdocs

    2017-2019 Cécile Carrère, FSMP postdoc October 2017 - September 2019

    2013-2015 Rebecca Chisholm, INRIA Bang postdoc December 2013 - January 2015

    2013-2015 Tommaso Lorenzi, FSMP postdoc November 2013 - August 2015

    2010-2012 Frédérique Billy, INRIA Bang postdoc; from November 2012 hired full-time at Novadiscovery (Lyon)

    2010-2011 Faten Merhi, INRIA Bang and Disco postdoc

    2005-2006 Fadia Bekkal Brikci, INRIA Bang postdoc

  • Master students

    2024 Lia Sela , M2 Mathématiques, Sorbonne Université. Dynamiques de coopération intratumorale de populations cellulaires structurées en phénotype. Internship co-supervision with Emmanuel Trélat

    2022 Manon de la Tousche, M1 Mathématiques, Sorbonne Université. Rapport de TER / First year master thesis report

    2018 Loïs Naudin, M2 "Mathématiques de la modélisation'', Sorbonne Université. Rapport de stage / Internship report

    2016-2017 Julie Favre, élève de M1 à l'EPFL (Zürich). Rapport de stage / Internship report

    2016 Hicham Janati, élève de 2e année (M1) à l'ENSAE. Rapport de stage / Internship report

    2015 Camille Pouchol, M2 "Mathématiques de la modélisation'', UPMC. Rapport de stage / Internship report

    2013 Andrada Quillas Maran, M2 "Mathématiques de la modélisation'', École Polytechnique & UPMC

    2010 Thomas Ouillon, ENSTA

    2009 Erwan Hingant, M2 ''Analyse et applications'' (Université Rennes I)

    2008 Herbert Gayrard, M2 ''Pharmacologie et Innovation Thérapeutique'' (PhIT, Université Lyon I)

    2008 Daniel Marin, ENSTA

    2006-2007 Emilio Seijo Solis, M2 Mexico

    2006 Ján Stuchlý, M2 ''Mathématiques de la modélisation'', UPMC

    2005 Houssem Eddine Miled, École Polytechnique de Tunis

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