Sébastien Duval

© Inria / Photo C. Morel

I am currently a 3rd year PhD student at Inria in the Project-Team SECRET under the supervision of Anne CANTEAUT and Gaëtan LEURENT.
My thesis depends on the doctoral school of computer science, telecommunications and electronics (EDITE - ED - 130) and on the University Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC - Paris 6 - Jussieu).
My researches focus on symmetric cryptography, mainly on the design of cryptographic primitives to build secure ciphers.
I also teach at UPMC to computer science bachelor students.

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Sébastien Duval
Project-Team SECRET
Inria Paris
2 rue Simone Iff
75012 Paris, France
Phone: +33 (1) 80 49 42 29
E-mail: sebastien.duval at inria.fr