LU2IN002 - Introduction à la programmation orientée-objet
Introduction to object-oriented programming in Java for second year students at Sorbonne Université. [doc]
LU2IN005 - Mathématiques discrètes
Mathematical tools for computer science for second year students at Sorbonne Université. [doc]
1st semester
LU2IN005 - Mathématiques discrètes
Mathematical tools for computer science for second year students at Sorbonne Université. [doc]
2nd semester
LU1IN002 - Introduction à la programmation en C
Introduction to C programming for first year students at Sorbonne Université. [doc]
LU3IN024 - Introduction à la cryptologie
Introduction to cryptology for third year students at Sorbonne Université. [doc]
1st semester
LU1IN001 - Introduction à la programmation en Python
Introduction to Python programming for first year students at Sorbonne Université. [doc]
2nd semester
LU3IN024 - Introduction à la cryptologie
Introduction to cryptology for third year students at Sorbonne Université. [doc]